People don't spend money to unlock accounts. They spend money because of Steam sales, insane bundle deals, and so on. Most of the spam/etc accounts are 'botter' accounts that farm trading cards; primarily based on the Russian and Asian (Chinese primarily) markets.
SidAlpha did an in-depth video on the underground 'industry' behind trading card farming & automated selling. Game 'developers' (asset flippers) spam Steam with dozens of games and get trading cards for them through affiliated (corrupt) publishers that auto-enable trading cards on their new games.
Once that is done, the game dev sells keys for like 5 cents each in bulk packs of 100 or 1000+ to trading card bot farmers who end up making their money back within hours or (at most) days. Once that is done the rest is pure profit for all parties involved. Developers passively gain a few US cents (with a minimum of 1 US cent) per sale and you can keep farming over and over and over and over. Just let it idle on a menu and no need to really do anything.
It is trivial to buy black market stolen financial credentials (credit cards primarily) and use them to verify steam accounts and then farm as many cards as possible and sell them as quick as possible before the inevitable chargeback (if it ever even gets noticed; most people won't notice a random $5 Steam charge).
So please; let's not put any of that bollocks on the marketplace. If you want to act more like Steam then just go pay your $100 fee and 30% royalties to the great Lord Gaben (lol) and grovel at his feet when he deigns to feed you the scraps left from your meagre Steam sales.
As a budding game dev and a consumer/gamer, I am here because this place is NOT like Steam. Currently cut is completely optional/variable depending on what game devs want to contribute so expecting extra features cannot come unless a mandatory minimum fee/royalty is reinstated.