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Very interesting concept, I liked the idea of having to cycle through movement and combat abilities and being able to reorder them for the situation. Some of my feedback:

The buttons in the equip menu were very small and far apart, although maybe it's because I'm playing on a high resolution monitor.  Since the game doesn't pause, you have to be fast when changing your loadout in combat, but it's very difficult to click on the small buttons.

The double jumping is kind of wonky, I thought my space bar was going to break from how fast I had to spam it to be able to double jump correctly.

The bosses are pretty difficult, which is fine by itself but it's really frustrating to have to start at the very beginning of the level when you die, especially if it's a long platforming section. I wasn't able to defeat the halo boss because I felt frustrated at having to do the difficult platforming section over and over again, and because I didn't want to break my keyboard from spamming the space bar so much.

Overall the game is definitely really fun and the memory mechanic is a very cool interpretation of the theme. Given some more time this could turn out to be a really cool game!