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Pretty fun game.

The controls felt a bit sluggish at first but once I got used to them the gameplay flowed well. The controls got somewhat better as I upgraded the abilities.

The aesthetic design is pretty nice, although some of the geometry looks quite basic and I noticed lag in the area you select your abilities, though the performance is fine when running across the chess boards and shooting the pieces.

Animations are decent.

The attempt at following the colour and genre limitation is interesting, although I don't feel the game does much with the jam theme.

The music selection is good and the game has sound effects unlike some of the others I've rated (and they're decent too!)

There's a few grammar mistakes but that can be fixed easily.

Alice definitely shows potential to be a good platforming/parkour FPS with more development time, content and polish. Looking forward to seeing how this game progresses!


Thank you for your opinion and contstructive criticism. This was a nice read!

"The aesthetic design is pretty nice, although some of the geometry looks quite basic and I noticed lag in the area you select your abilities, though the performance is fine when running across the chess boards and shooting the pieces.

I am aware of that. Due to lack of time and the fact that my 3d abilities are quite limited (submitted as a solo dev) I had to make sacrifices and I decided to focus on gameplay and esthetics of the game instead of torturing myself with Blender for few days with mediocre results :P
I did all I could to optimise the gameplay area, but the "level up area" can drop from 165 to around 100 fps on my PC, which is not good. It's mostly due to the Fire particles and multiple sources of light and shadows. I have plans to tweak this and implement settings with graphics options.

"There's a few grammar mistakes but that can be fixed easily."
I'm sorry, I'm not a native english speaker. From the top of my head I can think of one potential grammar mistake, not sure abut the others. Thank you for pointing that out.

"Alice definitely shows potential to be a good platforming/parkour FPS with more development time, content and polish. Looking forward to seeing how this game progresses!"

Thank you again, I will definitelly continue with the project!