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uh I need help dealing with Freddy. I'm about to do night 5 and have barely scraped by night 3,4. The trouble I'm having is when to close the door. I can tell by her laughter when she moves but when she's on the cam right outside my door how do I time closing the door so I don't die?  I've managed to squeak by with just closing the right door when she's on that cam  but I don't think that will work for night 5,6, and custom because it will drain to much power. Sorry if this is a dumb question I just don't have much experience with the first fnaf past the 2nd night so I need the help.

from what i can tell the time in between each movement is the same, this is included when she goes fromt he kitchen to killing you, so i guess try to figure out the timing and just try to delay as much as possible and hope she spares you when the power goes out.

Once Freddy is in the kitchen, she'll attack if you spend too long looking away her.

If you look at a camera other than the kitchen, she might attack. If you go a few seconds without flipping up the cameras, she might attack. Unless the right door is closed, of course.

Thanks for the help guys while it took a while but nonstop grinding those nights today. eventually had me win. finished up 5 and 6 and all thats left is custom but that's a whole nother thing so I'm just gonna relish in my  victory for a couple days before I try custom. This game was a funny way of actually playing the original fnaf instead of actually playing it lol. the art is really good and looking for different references in each cam.