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Thanks for playing! This is very useful feedback.

From the small things :
For camera stuff, I'll consider having an "orbital" mode again, but I remember trying it out and scrapping it for some reason. Maybe it would be useful to visualize the "right-forward" plane instead somehow.  
For things going off-camera, I'm thinking of either having panning or some dynamic zoom to fit the whole level on screen at different angles.
And yeah, I really need a "camera origin" block in the editor.

The rules for completing a level are : all Xs have to be walked on and all dudes have to be no-dot dudes. Dotted dudes can't walk on Xs. Initially I wanted these to be two separate modes but I feel like making Xs and dots interact this way leaves me with a third mode. It should be explained in a clearer way, I agree with that.

(switch left (mouse button) / right (mouse button), menus are kind of cramped)

The BIG things:
I've been thinking about the "open world" level selector for a while, in a possible rework to simplify UI / menus. While it is more difficult to maintain than a list of levels I feel like it would be pretty neat to walk around with a dude to pick a level. From that it would also make it pretty natural for "tutorial" levels to be gates to areas that require you to understand that mechanic.

Thanks again for the valuable feedback.