Hey, thanks for playing!
This game was part of a 3-day gamejam, and I probably won't modify it further to preserve its authenticity as a jam entry. I might explore this game further in a separate project, but I tend to leave my jam games in the state that I submitted them in.
That being said, here are some things that I would have done/added if I had more time:
- Twin-stick style shooter, left stick/wasd moves, right stick/arrow keys attack in their respective directions
- More enemy variety, currently they all have the exact same chase behavior with slightly different stats
- Difficulty scaling, currently it literally just gives you one extra enemy per room and it's completely random which type
- Buffs to choose from at the end of every level that persist/stack until the player dies
- Permanent buffs every 10(?) levels that persist beyond player death
- Increase enemy spawn rate as the player progresses, it currently spawns a new enemy every 1-5 seconds
- On the fence if I want to add some sort of room generation that the player progresses through, or hand-make several "arenas" that the player stays in for the duration of their run
I actually went out of my way to keep the blood splats, I wanted the player to see the carnage. This only works in a single-level design though, so if I added more rooms I'd need to make the splats even juicier. It does currently replace the oldest splat once 1000 have been spawned to preserve memory.