Thanks! I'm glad 83 is challenging; I had hoped it would be one of the toughest levels. Don't forget to try out the stones from the lab, they should be... interesting.
jura v hfr gur frperg fgbar vafvqr gur ehyrf gno, v pna fryrpg vg, v pna cynpr vg ba gur obneq. vg frgf sverf va nyy qverpgvbaf gura yrgf bhg juvgr yvtug gung oynaxf gur fperra. guvf crefvfgf hagvy v erybnq gur tnzr.
Holy smokes, I seriously misread this. For anyone reading this thread: The rules tab was absolutely not supposed to contain a usable stone! The lab, however, does contain a stone that sometimes does this.