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(1 edit)

Nah you're wrong for that one bro... (first game)


Hey R3DCOAT! It looks like you got the previous version of the game without audio (aside from the jump scares), so apologies for the loud noise! The new version posted Sunday. When did you download the game? Did you download it days ago and are just now posting the video?

I'm concerned that I'm still seeing play throughs with this version. Please check the most recent dev log, and again sorry for the harsh noise, and thank you for playing.


I down loaded it maybe Saturday I think but honestly I think No sound scuffed  thing kind of works for it does that sound crazy? lol I'll check it out though, I'm interested to see the difference, 


Haha, yeah it does work for it in a way - I just felt bad that people turned the volume up to see if there was sound and then got blasted by the jump scare audio. That was not my intention. Thanks for the response, and if you do check it out I hope you enjoy!