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I got to play this for the finals as a judge. Here are my thoughts:

I feel this game has a lot of potential, but does need another round of polish on the mechanics. For starters, you tell me about the pacifist option to talk mid battle and mid turn, while I got turns already queued that I cannot cancel. So of course I kill it instead as I can't take back those moves and they finish it off. You really should consider telling the player about it earlier as you have a battle first as a tutorial where the option is not there so why would I expect it now in battle 2? 

Emma's TP skill is useless. I missed over 50% of the time with it. If you are going to make me burn a lot of TP on a skill please do not make it miss.

The Air Elemental battle I also got a non-choice on the pacifist route as it paralyzed the only one who can do that and I had no paralyze cure items. By the time it wore off it was not an option anymore so I had to kill it. 

The last two bosses felt way too powerful compared to the rest of the game. They are a huge jump up in difficulty and power compared to anything you face to that point.

Overall I think you have an interesting idea, but need to back up a little and introduce mechanics in a proper order. Maybe make battle 1 introduce the player to the pacifist option? Or tell the player at start of battle 2? Otherwise you've established to the player that there is no such option then suddenly spring it on them. 

I do hope though you do polish this up though someday. And congrats on getting to the finals of the IGMC!