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Under Maintenance is a lovely game about a girl who somehow found real love when her 2D husbandos is away. What a move to 2D to 3D! I highly enjoyed the experience with all the handsome men and cute moments. Now, for the questions! I've answered in the video above but might as well answer it again.

1. Which character was your favorite? Why?
Theo was my favorite because of his looks and personality. I just really like long-haired guys and he feels comforting. Of course the others were very lovely too, but Theo takes the cake for me. Second on the list would be Mr. Steal your girl, what a cutie.

2. Did you manage to make all the guys on the main screen regain their color?
Yep yep. All the colors! Since I played all routes haha.

3. What's your favorite moment in the game?
It would be the moment of first kiss for Theo. Real shocking since I didn't expect that on an unexpected first date. Then the spicy scene with Luca is the next.

4. Do you want a Mark route?
Yes. I'm curious how it would be. I mean, the extra bad(?) ending for someone promoted that it's worth it.

5. Would you replay the game if it were fully voiced?
Yes, certainly. I enjoyed listening to the voices. More voices, even better!