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The art was very good, I just found the game to be too difficult, and not in a fun way. The player's attack distance feels too low and enemies deal way too much knockback. I would have preferred if the player had less health but the enemies were easier to kill. Also, the parts where the player has to "climb" a vertical surface feel very inconsistent and frustrating. I ended up quitting at the boss fight, because the boss alternates between going off screen and sending enemies so you can't attack him, and one-shotting the player by sending them to a pit at the side of the room. I never felt like I could get hits off without receiving damage myself due to the short attack range of the player. 

Maybe its just me and the game was easier for other people, but I felt like it was constantly working against me. The art, story, and overall premise were very good though.

Thank you for playing the game! It's hard to balance boss fights when all you have for testers are the devs, who test it over and over again, and so get really used to the patterns. But we plan to put a balance patch out before the end of the editing period.

Could you elaborate on the climbing mechanic? Currently, the way it works is that each time you kick off the wall, your wall jumps get weaker, until you touch the ground again. Or were you talking about something else?

As for the boss fight, by one shot, did you mean taking one heart, or killing the player? Because we thought that we had already removed the pitfall combo.

When it comes to the boss, we are tweaking his hitboxen to make it easier to get close.