Finally coming back here, I still have many comments to check (and things to sort out!!), sorry for the delay. XD Thank you for your detailed answer!
Wow, what are you, a writer/journalist, by profession? :)
I am a nerd. XD Some of them prowl around these places!
Voice generated. Text To Voice. :D, edited in Audacity, adding noises and radio effects, etc (a lot of time for nothing) :)) But significant for me.Wow, impressive! I also tend to lose time on details, but I am getting better at not to. X) Still, I loved these voices, so it was not lost on everybody. :)
I forgot to activate it.
OH NO!! <:o
Have worked from 9 in the morning and it was already 6 in the morning of the next day and the last one of the Jam, with a lot of things I had to complete. I was a zombie.
I was in a somewhat similar condition after several sleepness nights for my second game jam, which was my first supposedly short one. XD I feel for you!
P.S.I don't think I will ever be able to do a review like this. lolI noticed the comments of yours I stumbled upon were quite concise. ;) Never say never, though: a few game jams ago (I think this was for GMTK 2022), I started by writing detailed reviews, then I switched to on-the-fly observations towards the end of the voting period out of rushing, and since people were still happy with it (it is like a written playthrough!), I kept that style. :) Writing more or less on the fly is easier and faster, and you just check a bit at the end if you have time, and possibly add a conclusion, partially guided by the criteria. I am quite slow, and I am sure most people could take notes way faster than I do.
Good luck enchancing the game and in your projects! :)