The visual and audio style here were excellent! However, there were some core mechanics that were a bit too clunky to enjoy the experience. Here's what happened for me:
1. First play through on a new game, I had the dialogue text appear and say "And now a final third attack" or something.
2. I refreshed the game and selected "continue". That's when a new text box appeared saying "You should not be seeing this text." I laughed.
3. I started a new game, killed all the enemies in Room 1, got the secondary attack, made it to room 2, then fell to my death. Unfortunately, I didn't die... I just kept falling and was softlocked. I had to restart the game again. After reaching there a second time and falling again, I gave up :/
4. Aside the buggy behaviors on game flow described above, the main recommendation I have for you to fix is the feeling of the combat. Right now, your attack is SLOW. It's so slow that if you were to start attacking after an enemy, they're guaranteed to hit you first. Which btw, the enemies have almost no "tell" indicating when their attack is going to happen, it's nearly instant and not really interesting to play against. More important than any of the other feedback is this one: DO NOT LET THE ENEMY'S ATTACK CANCEL YOUR SLOW-TO-USE ATTACK. That was infuriating. I would essentially be caught in a loop of trying to attack and not being able to because the enemy just kept zapping me indefinitely and revoking all control from the player... Spamming the attack button eventually worked, but it felt terrible. Designing an enjoyable attack system is tough. The ones that work best are typically the highly responsive ones. If you want a game based on long buildups for the attack, then make the enemies and environment more conducive to that playstyle.