Gosh, I'm actually in love with this fanproject. It's a lot more succinct than a normal DR game but I think it's perfect in what it sets out to do and what it wants to accomplish.
First, I just want to gush about the graphics because I've never seen Ren'Py used in such a creative and beautiful way before. Even just the daily life interface is really nice to me, this graphic design work is excellent and I don't think even Spike could have done a better job. Genuinely throughout the entire game when I got to unique segments I would go to whoever's closest and show them what it looks like because it was just so good to me.
The story was really nice also. It wasn't super long, which is kind of impressive given that this is a Danganronpa game, but I really did fall for the characters (especially Missy...) and the writing style was unique and charming. The protagonist I have mixed feelings on, since I found them a bit hard to connect with, but I think that's just because I have a completely different personality.
And now we get into spoiler territory.
I don't really understand griping about the ending? I thought it was pretty understandable and I was especially intrigued with the placebo effect thing. I think it was purposefully vague, much in the way that the original DR game was. The specifics of the project and the outside world aren't important. The important part is that it makes you feel something, and I really think it accomplished that. I don't want to get too into my analysis stuff, but I will just reiterate that I don't agree with the dissatisfaction most people are giving the ending.
And, to be honest, I only have two issues for this game. One being that Art does not feel as sympathetic as I think he's supposed to be? I enjoy that he regrets his actions, since it's rare for a DR character to do that, but I don't think it's properly explained until after the trial that he thought Pandora was suspicious and it was part of the reason why he killed her.
The other issue is the character's color palettes. I don't have any issues with their designs overall but a lot of their color palettes just clash or don't really work together and it's a bit distracting since the characters are part of what's supposed to make this hit so hard. That said, though, I don't think either of these flaws are enough to take away from what I genuinely enjoy about this game.
8/10 I'm going to rave about this to everyone I know now.