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This is awesome entry, graphics are great, and sound/music maybe even better. I've locked myself once on a bat, see in the picture. I had to wait for bat to move.

Maybe the only suggestion on the graphics: all animation are smooth as heck, but attack for some reason is not. Hm.

I'll give this game another try because I've locked myself I think, same place as Redz. I think you get a powerup there, a pistol or something? Well I did not get it, because I opened the chest, immediately threw a bomb by accident and got nothing I believe.

Many guys shooting from the holes were not shooting for some reason. And I think there are just a bit too many guys only waiting to be stabbed looking the other way;) 

About slippery, multiple people already told this. I think its not a great idea to use a physics to move a character, and that's the problem I think. Platformers usually work better with good old arcadey, handwritten physics.

Anyway good job! I'll finish the game later.


Thanks for playing and the kind words! 

So sorry about the stuck bat, lol. You're probably constantly touching it in that spot so it doesn't have a new touch event to deal damage to you.

We did notice some issues with AI not detecting the player and it seems to work on some people's machines and not on others.

The slippery movement is truly the biggest thing we need to solve as it's been the most recurring feedback. 

Thanks again and glad you had fun!


I mean the bat was absolutely no problem, I just notified you about a bug which maybe you shouldn't know;) And slippery also wasn't a big of a deal, just provided feedback on how maybe its possible to fix it. Cheers!

Actionable feedback and bug reports are always great even if there are some repeats. 

Didn't mean to sound like I was dismissing some of your feedback, just letting you know your voice was heard among the others.