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(1 edit)

I'm from canada, hello! A standalone version is almost ready to release, I'm adding a update to the night lighting, initially I had to sacrifice the moon light shadow to allow for the smooth sun rotation transition but I figured out a way to add it back in but hiding it much better than the vanilla game did. For example, vanilla game had a sun rotation of -80 degrees to 80 degrees and when the sun set at 80 degrees in the sky it would switch to -80 degrees and become the moon. It was very jerky. What I did was give both moon and sun 360 degrees of rotation, but I couldn't figure out how to swap the moon without ruining the sunrise sunset. I figured it out by replacing it about 2 hours after sunset when the moon is high in the sky. the shadow comes in gradually. The night sky is darker and looks more realistic. Moonlight will slightly give shape to objects that you can barely see in the dark, and everything that's in shadow is pitch black. I'm really happy with the new behavior and I'm excited to roll it out soon.

in terms of day length vs night my settings make things set a little later and rise a little earlier than default. However seasons drastically will change this parameter allowing for longer nights vs days. My own weather and seasonal changes will be coming in the future

Sounds great! Thank you very much for your efforts. Looking forward to more!