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When you link to fucking Wikipedia to support your comments, that just makes me feel you are nothing but a helpless fool instead.  If you're willing to do some actual research and link to some proper/verified sources then by all means feel free.

What I'm saying is that people seem to want all the features of Steam over here on itch (available DRM, social features, achievements, etc) but literally the reason can be cheaper is they have lower costs of operation and that means not having all those superfluous 'features' over on this site.  They aren't necessary.

Speaking of logical fallacies, trying to say that "achievements is an industry-wide feature" is completely false.
While they are present in a handful of non-Steam games; the ones on Steam are token achievements that have no value/worth whatsoever. 

Xbox Live and PSN are both console-specific services and the console market isn't the same as the PC/mobile markets.  There are no achievements on mobile (which is by far the largest gaming market right now).  PC has achievements with WoW and on Steam.  Outside of a tiny handful of games from Spiderweb Software and KupoGames (indie devs), there are very few other games with 'achievements' that I can think of.

Itch doesn't need achievements; we don't need achievement-spammer games and we don't need the achievement-hunter dorks that care more about meaningless popups than actually achieving anything in a game or otherwise.

As someone who played games well before 'achievements' were a thing, there are already things far better than that.  Speedrunning is already a popular gaming pasttime often used to help charity (most notably the annual runs for Awesome Games Done Quick).  Gamers don't need achievements to make a difference in the world.  If game devs want to put in speedrun-friendly game design (like skippable cutscenes) then that would be much more useful.


Please try to keep the discussion civil. This isn't the first time you're being hostile to the person you're disagreeing with, despite previous warnings.  I argued against taking mod action on your behalf in the past - I thought that you could use a second chance, but this will be your last warning. It's good to disagree, but please refrain from such hostile behavior.


but there are achievements on mobile? Google play has an achievement system built in for devs not saying I don't agree it's ridiculous to expect a free site to have complex features just letting you know they do have achievements on mobile

(1 edit) (+1)

I do so appreciate the correction ~87 days later.  Really nice sleuthing there, chief ;)

Also anyone who links to Wikipedia is someone that has no business discussing things on the internet.  :P
Wikipedia is still complete trash.


just saw this lol wiki has been used in court so 🤷‍♂️