Great job with this! I played to the finish and enjoyed it. This game really excelled at creating a sense of place. The tree interior spaces were outstanding, with their glowing bugs, mushrooms and light holes, and you did a great job of making those interiors feel like a tight space, yet still allow for platforming. I also really liked the title animation and especially the animation of the background ants on the march just prior to the ant boss. And the idea of the different types of acorns for different functions/speeds, etc. was great. It was also an impressively large game. Nice!
The tradeoff under game jam time limitations for having all of the narrow and sloping geometry of the tree interiors is that it's hard to make crisp platforming in that space. On jumps I often got stuck in a spinning animation on walls, and sloping surfaces were a little slow to navigate. I took the blending-in of the grasshoppers and spiky plants to be a design choice, and those were the ways I took damage. I don't think I ever died from start to finish, though, so I personally would have enjoyed more difficulty.
After reading the comments, I see that people had quite different paths to completion of this game, so nice job adding that layer of complexity. I never saw the "intellinut" that people talk about, so the signs were always unreadable. I never faced a hive boss -- I assume this was the boss that I paid off with honey, never realizing that there could be a boss battle there. And I think something went wrong for me with the ant boss: I saw it, climbed up on something to its left, and just sat there pelting it with acorns until it died. It never moved, never said anything, just stayed in an eating-type animation until I hit it enough times and it crumbled.
Over all, an impressive game that I had fun playing -- nice job!