i remenber my highest level as a vampire hunter without using a save editor being 32(at that point i got every single weapon and skill even from contracts) -Abyssal28 edit1: it was before chapter 4 ending i made it through everything but i wonder how many new enemies/potential allies mila will have cause i am a bit heart broken after she lost everything at the end of chapter 4 including her friends and family now my question is...will she doom everyone or in the end it will be a soul for a soul(mila dies to defeat amber or faahlda sacrifice herself to power up mila to almost Archangel level?)
Nah man, i believe the plot is heading in this direction. Mila will enter the floating castle in hopes of ending Amber. The angelic gear will save us from a great deal of trouble, because once it's equipped, the vampirism status will never bother us again. After a huge time of grinding on the dangerous locations of the castle filled with new and dangerous enemies we will accend to a room that resembles a throne room, we will see Amber siting on her throne. After a short dialogue, we will charge at her and the battle will start.