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To me, the game lacks instructions: i did not read the game’s page at all, so i was just walking aimlessly trying to find out what i was supposed to do and at the end had to close it, confused. Then, once i read the page, i tried that noir mode a couple times when, all of a sudden, it stopped working, forcing me to close it, confused again. If only i read the page properly, i would have noticed that it works three times.

Conclusion: i have to read more carefully.

But the game also could tell me how many times i have left. And what i am supposed to do.

Graphically, this game is very good. For some reason, the thing that impressed me the most was the reflections on mirrors and glasses, although the one in the shower is wrong and shows the living room instead.

However, the house feels “empty”: there is nothing in the drawers, closets, fridge, etc. and looked more of a show house rather than somebody’s home. Once i found out about noir mode and that it transports me back to the past, i assumed that the house was on the market and the night of the death would be different, but it was not the case.

Did whoever lived there kill themselves because of the emptiness of their lives? Who knows such things….

I guessed that the reason for blocking me access to some areas during noir mode was to force me to choose carefully how to spend the three opportunities. However, as a player, i felt that it was more an inconvenience that anything else.

The music is simple, but very effective. Specially during noir mode, that gave me the creeps as i believe it should.

Finally, distributing the game for Windows in a RAR archive is an inconvenience for some of us, because the File Explorer cannot open such files and had to download unrar just for it. In a jam is not so much of a problem, but in general i would advise to stick with ZIP.

I hope my comments do not sound too negative, because i think this game is good and the problems i wrote about are just the result of the short time window that the jam allows.

Very well done!

(1 edit)

Thanks for your feedback, we appreciate such a qualitative review on our game, we will try better in the future to fix all our problems and become better.

And, of course, thanks for playing. :)