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Cool idea to use health as ammunition and the constant search for health packs keeps you on the move!

I can clearly see that the enemies are interacting with each other somehow, I just can't tell how. What exactly happens when they turn colorful? You also have some mechanical interactions (health - shooting) and (movement - shooting). I just don't get those 100% either and they make the controls feel a little unresponsive at times. :D

Visual effects are very satisfying. I'd like to see a bit of a texture in the background so you can tell how quickly you're moving and there should also be an indication of where the level ends. Invisible walls feel a little unfair.

Overall a pretty great game! Thanks for participating.

Thanks Jonas, I will take notes and try to improve it :>

Also, it's an honor to join your game jam, it is a really fun experience <3


Glad to hear that! :)