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Spoilers below (idk how to do the cut off thing) but...

...In Parker's route, Walter mentions having a brother that he's not close with, so my guess is they're twins and the brother is Herbert. It's not a perfect theory, since there's still so much information missing about Walter's past, but it's what makes the most sense to me so far


Hmm I already figured they were brothers however I'm starting to think they were switched or Walter struggling with a personality disorder I've been trying to figure out him every time I play I mean it each route he acts different and Gill's route was the one that stood out the most


I'm operating under the assumption that it's amnesia as a result of a traumatic childhood event tbh. Some of the flash backs in... I think it was Lars' route seem to imply that something happened to Walter and Herbert when they were younger that Walter blames himself for, though it's probably gonna be a while before we get concrete details about what exactly went down

I think we need group chats to discuss everything we read because I'm getting more intrigued