Just a couple of quick questions!
- On the images you have here for this game, I noticed several women that I don't recognize. I remember the choice about who to wake so I know why I've never met Nemy, but are the other ones I don't recognize for future days, cut content, or where they from flashbacks and that's why I don't remember them?
- This is the funniest game that I've ever played and I love it to death. How did you get to be so funny? Are there more places that I can find your entertainment?
- If Sasha is the traitor you will be my sworn enemy.
- Endurance OS scenes are one of my favorite parts of the game. Are there any plans for more features to that? I don't have any specific suggestions, but more choice is always great.
- Is it just a convenient coincidence that people with important positions like medic and scientist were among those woken up or might I be on to something?