Thanks for your high level of appreciation.
During the development, my schedule was tough and there is no time for game balancing. For myself, the game is challengingly playable. But I do see it's an extreme difficulty for some players who don't get used to the mechanic, especially when my game is experimenting 3-axis bullet hell that rarely exists in current game market. That's why i added the Story mode. Glab it's helping.
For the charging ghost boat, it spawns after the boss yelling "Surprise". I see this as one kind of warning but i guess it's not enough. And talking about the story, originally the idea is the antagonist kidnaps a guy for wedding. But it means i need to model/animate "a guy", and then the game jame theme is announced as the 6 "S" from Blend S so i change it to something light. I am not good at storywriting. A silly plot with punchline is easier to handle for me. the dialogue UI is inherited from older projects. It was in placeholder level but i am too lazy to improve it yet.