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(1 edit)

Right, so... I took some time to look through my previous mods and re-uploaded some of them to clean up the code a tiny bit here or there and to make sure I knew what was going on. Body Description mods will overwrite each other, but you can use both at the same time if you want... though only the one loaded later will actually make a difference since the modify the same lines.

Body Descriptions (Small) starts at AA and goes up to C cup; Body Descriptions (Large) jumps up with each step, with DD and GG being the two largest options. I didn't want to go too far into the 'oversized assets' fetish in part because I don't personally enjoy that type of content, and in much greater part because there are only like 5 options available. So I already had to skip many cup sizes in between. I can easily edit these, so if you think GG is too big for this game, give me some feedback here and I'll go over it. It's really not hard to change it locally though, if you prefer doing it that way.

There are two entirely new mods as well, that didn't make the list before.

The first is Combat Preview Fix (BROKEN) which, as the tag implies, does not work as intended. Do not download this unless you intend to fix it yourself.
Q. What will this break if I use it?
A. Combat preview text (where it displays the number and level of enemies before a battle begins) may be buggy or incorrect. No further issues are known with this mod.

The second is Vagina Please, which only replaces the word "pussy" with the word "vagina" to make things more tasteful in my opinion. Purely cosmetic, and ultimately a matter of preference more than anything else.

I'm going to start playing this game again from scratch, deleting all of my old saves and just playing around to see what else I want to mod into the game. Once I have a better idea, I'll poke around and possibly make some more mods.

EDIT: Added a new mod - Kill For Mana - because it bothered me that the tutorial claims you can get mana by pain or pleasure, but only allows you to get mana via pleasure. (or sexual torture, I guess) Since it didn't even fit the game's established lore... I fixed it. Because it bugged me.
Seems to work fine with all of my current mods (except the two that don't work at all, even on their own) so I added it to the list.