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(2 edits)

my only qualm with this game is there is no way to rewind the text without loading a previous save. but even that is quite a minor problem

(please note that I am writing this AS I play the game, which is why it's so long and rambly)

i don't know why, but when I got the option to smack Arsenik with the roses, I lost my shit and broke down into giggles. but I couldn't find it in myself to get past getting into the car. and had to choose a different route, I honestly don't know why Arsenik bothered me so much, he's...rather attractive but-...I guess it's cause he's....TOO nice. like...I starting to think he has no back-bone so to speak.

after starting barium's route, and being greeted by NOT barium but... (I think he's called onyx) the guy that looks like he has a motorcycle helmet for a FACE.. then to the scene right after, I found myself dropping my head against my computer (thank goodness the built-in mouse pad doesn't work, or who knows what I could have clicked (I have a wireless mouse that I use))
and thinking, "oh my god....what....the actual fuck have I clicked on? AND WHY'S THE MUSIC SOUND LIKE DISCO MEETS PORNO?! WTF?! XD" (option of telling him I didn't know he had a horse) now just wait a goddamn second here!! where is this horse talk coming from?! (loaded the scene from being greeted by onyx) oh, ok, GLIMMERING stallion. *computer head-desk* who takes a HORSE to a woman's house in this day and age...?? OH YES! YES PLEASE DRESS LIKE A UNICORN! I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THAT! XD XD (no, seriously...that would be awesome, XD) .....OH! dress the horse like a unicorn, oh...that's-...XD XD XD XD

OK! moving on with the date with Barium

missreading things and having to load a previous save so many times, auurgh....
(he asks how my morning was) I be sassy, and a titch salty, or...nice? hmm? XD I'll be salty cause of why not?

OH MY GOD! he's so full of himself! oh god... I found another Eisuke Ichinomiya... for fucks sake.....*facepalm* XD
(at this point I'm completely flabergasted, and spend the next five minutes staring at my screen with an expression that shows that feeling perfectly) ....I...guess the TOYS!!! *confused Markiplier noise* IDUNNO!

"TOYS, TOYS, TOYS!" again, I don't know why but I lost my shit again for a few minutes eh why not? have fun with them?! I don't even get to know what the toys LOOK like, or ANYTHING about them besides BEING TOYS?! ok? ..there's more I can "buy" ? ...ooookay? alright. (I essentially cleared the toys and decorations department.) am... I just going to buy EVERYTHING that I have the option of doing so? XD
...yup. everything that I had the option of. XD wtf? ok, nope no drinking. hmmmm, uh, I think I like chinese cause I LOVE black pepper chicken from this chinese buffet place X3. more food? ok. ...italian, I like pizza. (my brain screamed, "ITALIANANANO" for fuck knows why XD) (at this point I simply clicked everything from top to bottom and just skipped) SERIOUSLY MAN, WHO CAN EAT THIS MUCH FOOD?! oookay, NOW we're at the faire/carnival thing. (again I click through everything, but I just go through fast waiting for something to go horribly wrong, XD)
(to the concert) get pumped and dance! fuck yes! OOMPA-LOOMPA-DOOPITY-DO! XD I think my brain has melted from the absurdity of this game XD. oh, it was unbelievable, alright.... XD MORE FOOD! what, are you fricken Matthias now with all this food?!

"yeah, but I don't keep a harem of them" again, once again I lost my shit. XD XD XD

"dinner comes to an end" OH REALLY?! do you even NEED dinner with how much you ate at LUNCH?! XD wtf??

(at this point my attention span dies and I just click through waiting for it to end.)

[EDIT:(after telling onyx about the story of the beauty and the beast) ok...I have to admit, this route is pretty damn adorable]

after taking onyx's helmet off I see a SQUIRREL in the background of the CG. wtf? are you telling me, he's....a SQUIRREL?! XD XD XD

but wind and night are my favorites X3

(also, why choose names like Arsenik and barium? they're elements in the periodic table! just really curious is all.)

Ahaha, I loved reading that post!

As for their names…well, where they come from, these warrior men weren't born with their names. They earned them. Arsenik is pretty much a fancier way of writing "arsenic," the poison. Barium is named after metal because his clan likes to name their men after jewels and stones and whatnot.

You can actually learn more about 'em in this brand spanking new demo here. While it isn't a full-blown rom-com like this one is (which means as long as you laughed, I'll consider that a great success!), it's still heavy on the romance. Plus, it has a ton of animation.

If you decide to check it out, feel free to live comment like you did here! You can make it as long and rambly as you like. :) It's super fun to read and definitely helpful for me as a game developer.

sweet, I was kinda worried that it'd be annoying. I also found...night? (the guy with the visor-face) to be adorable.

I'll do a live commentary of the over demo too! (can't wait to see what other stuff Wind has waiting for me X3)

hey, what happened to beauty and the war?

Hi, ocupers! Ooh, I'm glad you asked. The demo for Beauty and the War (X Playing Pieces) has received a brand, spanking new update right here.  Demo version 2 is more polished and even more animated than the last one. If you care to check it out, feel free to let me know what you think! And if you have any other questions, just ask.