Nice start to a game.
For feedback: background music would really help set the mood for your game. A small tutorial showing how to set force would have helped. Force seemed random to me, didn't appear to correlate with how long I held left mouse with the arrow (to power up, the arrow could grow in length/size to indicate amount of force) and didn't appear to correlate with how far the mouse click was from the baby-Groot character. It also took experimentation to realize that all objects on the screen other than leaves were traps.
I do like how the difficulty/traps ramp up with higher score.
As a suggestion, maybe when the player is able to get multiple leaves with one attack, leaves after the first one can have ramping/increased value. This would reward aiming where you get multiple in one go. As is, each leaf was worth the same.
The art style of the game is fine. I would suggest a different pixel font for the score, since it is hard to read.
Keep at it!