Since the enemies can do dash attacks now, and some can crash through defenses, do you have any plans for the player getting something like that?
Perhaps they have a regenerating stamina bar and can press shift to run faster? Or it's an elf teleport move that moves them a few spaces away.
Maybe an increase to movement speed could give you more stamina.
Another idea is the player being able to buy “marks” from leveling up. They place a mark down, and then it allows them to press a button to teleport to the location they previously marked. Getting an equal number of marks before a cool down equal to the number they purchased.
There's also the thought of something like a temporary shield. The player glows red when holding shift, and they can smash smaller enemies out of the way and are temporarily invulnerable.
The main thought process is giving the player a panic option for what they can do besides retreating at a relatively slow speed. Especially since flying enemies will eventually become a thing.
The enemies getting better maneuverability and terrain traversal options means the player could use some to keep up.
Also, for the enemies who crash through objects, have you thought about assigning them a number of things they can smash through during their “lifetime?” That way, you could hand out this ability to higher tier enemies who can bash more things and are tangibly stronger than others in ways besides HP and attack power.