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To all the dopey cunts complaining about "its story, bluh bluh bluh you suck" and cant handle someone having a opinion, you wanna find a hentai based game with good story? MC sim, thats how you do a story. This is just shit covered in more shit.

Fucking abomination of a fucking story. "I'm going back to a town, which where my family lives. I gotta get revenge on bad guys. Even tho I don't tell you why, OH let me spend 3 paragraph of dialog describing my shitty apartment, giving you useless dialog like going to the store. 

Another paragraph of dialog about going to bed. Then SURPRISE monster. Ok now that a scary monster is about to murder me, let's have another 4 paragraph dialog of fairy girl saying run you must live. Repeat that about 10 times. Introducing you to the visual novel cluster fuck I call this game. Oh and apparently you have super powers that allows you to mind control people, but everyone can resist it when it comes to sexual scenes. "

This game is a fuckery of teasing. But the worst kind of teasing, which is working way to much to the shit scenes you get.


120 days in with no H scenes?...

Nobody else played that badly.

It's definitely just because you suck. It's all your fault. Nobody else is as bad as you.

I don't know what else to tell you. You just suck. Maybe you should go back to kindergarten? Just a thought.
