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I recommend saving Flynn's route for last. It is the wildest ride, and pays off the most if you've played all the other routes first <3 Since you finished Leo's, I recommend Jenna's since it closely relates to Leo's. This is all according to the recommended order by the developers btw.

That said, it's really up to you, but the dev's order gives the most cohesive story experience as a whole.


Oh thank you! I'll check out Jenna's next :)

It's been a few days now and Leo's route is still playing with me, I saw both ending and obviously one was very... rough to see and the good ending was so emotionally draining for me, still feel a bit empty now lol. Very scared to see how the others play out but looking forward nevertheless <3 T_T 


Welcome to the Echo rabbit hole. Prepare yourself is all I'll say...  :)

Thank you for having me aha :)