I've played Mikail (Romantic)-Logic and Keska (Romantic)-Empathy, and I gotta say, I really did enjoy this game. I'm currently playing through Mikail-Power as well, and it's made me appreciate how much your choice of stat changes the game. I also enjoyed the overall, uh, dream-like atmosphere (lol) , and your take on cynicism and overcoming it was something that appealed to me. Also, I really enjoyed the dynamics between the main character and his vassals, and I fuckign love Mikail and Keska.
(Spoilers below)
If I had to point out some flaws though, I'd say that chapter 2 can feel a bit repetitive. I get the feeling that that was the point but having to frequently backtrack and then run back again got annoying quite quickly. I prefer the castle and the puzzles it had as it was less tedious. Nothign else comes to mind though, sorry.