Played this for a 3 free indie horrors and was very unhappy with the lack of optimization. I know you openly state that the game is very unoptimized, but you shouldn't release anything in this state as it leaves a bad first impression and doesn't show promise for future projects, that being said. I enjoyed what i was able to play and thought you have a ton of potential to make something good. I won't go into much detail here as i give a full in-depth review in my video below.
Hey man thanks for the review! The reason why I published the game at this state is that I just I wanted to start my portfolio. I'll be honest, I've abandoned this project but hearing the words you said gave me the push I needed to continue on this. I'll probably go back into developing the game after I finish my thesis for college. Thanks again!
Yeah no problem! Despite what people think i don't want game developers to crash and burn after making a bad game. I want to them to grow, get better fix and improve. I want all devs to make good games! Which is why i'm so critical in my reviews. it's feedback needed to be heard to give ya a nudge in the right direction. Hope to see more from ya soon!