I'm late to the party with playing this game for the first time just now, and I'm not yet fully done (missing a bad ending and the secret LI), but after crying at it for the umpteenth time, I thought it's time I come rave about it. Literally, I've cried like... 3 times per route? Sometimes in happiness, sometimes in sadness. Maybe it's because I'm binging this while I'm sick, but I've been so touched, feeling for all the boys. I love all of them, so so much! I'd had clear faves in Halloween and Valentines otome, but I really can't pick one boy here, not on first glance, and neither after finishing their routes. They are all just so sweet ;; and deserving of love. Also, Maia is the most relatable to me out of the heroines, as much as I loved playing as all three of them. I was about to type how much I love the LI's respective family members, and that made me realized how all of them have one as another focal relationship. That's what them makes so sweet, doesn't it? Dangerous for my heart, as Maia would say. Gosh, I love this game so much. The whole series, to be fair. Thank you guys for sharing such amazing stories with us, I'll be sure to stay tuned for whatever else you do in the future! (If you choose to, of course! But as other commenters said, it'd be nice to see a game starring Osiria! Or even Rayner :D Though I'd imagine his story to be... more queer?)
I was also speculating if you had headcanons for Ems's and Mira's partners when writing about them here? With Ems, there's still the choice of course. But with Mira, I can't imagine her able to drag his dutiful/workaholic LIs for two months of a second honeymoon, especially full of parties, I can only imagine Zane :D Though, Annabelle still appearing single seems to suggest otherwise... but maybe Maia's just not so observant. Or maybe I'm thinking too much on that, ahah. I just love the lore and cross-references so I was reading closely. Also couldn't help noticing a parallel among Kiron and Liam, in their attitude towards kids at least. Such sweet guys!
Sorry for that ramble, I really went off fangirling. My point is still, thank you for this game <3