Loved The Lightkeeper! Will be playing this more later on today!
One thing I notice is in key binding, there are not many keys allowed
as well as the movement is not allowed to be binded.
I usually play with WASD keys for movement and /., for jump, attack,
etc. and usually have TAB as map. I can not bind any of those keys.
I'm using WINE under Ubuntu to play and I wrote a Linux script that
takes care of all this and remaps to those keys, then changes back
when the game exits but it would be nice if better key bindings could
be put in future versions. 8)
Other than that, I'm looking forward to enjoying this as much as I
enjoyed The Lightkeeper! 8)
P.S. - I have a PS3 controller that works via bluetooth but I prefer
to play Metroidvanias/Platformers with keyboard, for me, it gives
far better control than with a controller. I think all PC games should
have key binding that allow for the full keyboard to be binded as well
as movement in order to please those of us who prefer keyboard
and have our own layouts with which we've become familiar. 8)