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Well, I didn't see that one coming!

A well-written little horror short with a simple but well-executed concept.  Great use of atmospheric sound and animated visuals which add a sense of style while also nicely capturing the feeling of rising anxiety.  Strong use of similes and metaphors!

If I have one minor nitpick, it's that you have to dig into the extras after the end of the game to get the full picture of what exactly happened.  Early in the story an "incident" is mentioned, but it's never really brought up again.  I think it would be a stronger narrative if the protag's "incident" is alluded to a little more throughout the story - obviously not in a direct spoilerish way, but in a way that leaves breadcrumbs leading you to believe one thing, when in retrospect after finishing the game, you realize the breadcrumbs were leading to a whole other, more horrifying conclusion.  (Sorry if that's too vague to be helpful, I'm happy to explain more in detail in a PM if you'd like!)


Thank you so much for playing!! I'm glad you liked it. And thank you for all the specific statements in your comment 💕

Your critique is totally valid and looking back, I agree. I did have a couple more moments where she mentions not wanting to have an "episode" a couple more times and at the end of the 3rd scene where Sara is walking home she specifically mentions something that alludes to the spoilery stuff. But I can see how that might not be enough to remind the player about the "incident" as I didn't use that word again. haha


Yeah when I read "episode" I think of something that happens chronically/regularly like a panic attack (or other spoilery condition 😉), whereas "incident" makes me think of a specific moment in the past which was the catalyst for the protag's family moving away.  I think it would be interesting to flesh out the "incident" a bit, maybe hinting that the protag had an issue with a past stalker and suggesting that this is the reason she moved away?

Oh yeah, that was definitely the intention haha

If you look in the extras there's a little bit more information on the "incident" from 3 years prior in Sara's bio. But I intentionally left it without details so the player could fill in details themselves. One of the greatest tools in horror is to not reveal all the details. ☆ ~('▽^人)


Oh yeah I got that, I'm just saying I feel the narrative would benefit from those details being alluded to a bit more within the narrative itself instead of in a bonus "extras" thing that not everyone might read. 

Definitely maintain the mystery and let players fill in the blanks, like you said, but I think it would help to leave a bit more of a bread crumb trail - maybe even just an extra throwaway line that alludes to the "incident" where Sarah expresses her fear that another "incident" is going to happen just like the last one.  Again, leave the details open to interpretation, but give the readers a bit more to work with 😉

Keep in mind this is just my opinion and in no way objective or factual!