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Hi there! 

so, I wanted to give here my opinion about the game

first of all i would like to say that i love investigation games!!! i felt a lot of vibes of ace attorney and i really love this power of investigation in your games (yes i have played all of them in the past XD ), as there is always a mystery to unravel or theorize about

and with the gospel of eve it was no different, but here begins the part of my criticism

first it is not really a criticism but, more of a problem actually

I do not know if it is happening only to me but the beginning of the game is very buggy, it happens some things like the dialogue of the beginning of the game happens in other scenarios, or the game simply crashes

I tried to download the game to see if it was not the problem with my browser, but the same thing happened

I took some screenshots: 

game crashing after i click on talk button

alicia talking about the sea happening inside the church

but these things I understand because 1 month of gamejam is hard, my game itself happened some bugs 

and then I tried to ignore it by advancing the story and saving the game little by little, and this is the part where my criticism starts

as i said i love investigation games, as i have played your other games and i know you have a lot of mistery in it. but in this game i felt it was quite underused being honest

when I was given the mechanics I thought I could go alternating the rooms and interacting with the npc to form a theory of what happened and everything else, and when the story started to get really interesting when it comes to the computer, the story just ends and throws the whole mystery away by making a joke of belford being otaku, giving a vibe that the story was rushed

Of course I say that but I saw that you intend to add more content in a future update so I imagine that you will use the mechanics better, 

as I said, I like your games a lot and I see that you have a lot of potential in all of them, , alicia is my favorite character btw XD so I speak more as a fan of the series itself and in what the game could improve .