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They are youtube video-IDs. Put the strings after /watch?v=$string. The videos contain morse-code saying the following:

TURNRIGHT (from wNYdY7azjjQ)

THENLEFT (from gMKfmT_zDdU)

LEFT (from aic30PUu86Q)

lxweJb7yTHM apperantly isn't available anymore.


Finally all 4 videos available (it isnt lxweJb7yTHM but IxweJb7yTHM it wasn little "L" it was big "i" and this video is tutorial to all switch locations)

All of the videos are gone.. So what then?

I dont know what are you talking about. I still can watch them.


Found them. Its definitely morse code but what does it mean? Where does it want you to turn.

(1 edit)

I may be wrong, but I feel like they're the steps you take in order to find these links or something. Like, you turn right after reading the first link, and select that painting, that sorta stuff.

Edit: just checked, yeah, they're exactly that. The final video is a guide on how to find the switches. Kinda sucks you'll have to find most a them on your first playthrough for it to work.