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wow.... I didn't expect it to be that good especially for your first game. It really made me sad especially because I can understand the feelings... I love someone since 12 years now and there is no day where I can't think about him and thinking about him is the first I do when I wake up and when I go to bed... The thing is he knows about it (even though he is quite homophobic but he doesn't care about me being gay which is weird) but I never told him directly into his face how I feel about him because I'm too scared to lose him forever... There is no person in live I ever had the same feelings for which I have for him and I doubt it will ever happen so I'm stuck to get hurt forever... If a situation like in this game would come up I would end the same not being able to let him go even though I know that he is dead...
So I can say this game is something special for me now and I really want to thank you for creating it.

The entire time playing it I had every scene visuallized as manga or anime in my head because it would fit so good. I'm also really glad for the bonus folder (which was already unlocked?) the image is just so cute.

Thanks again you made my day with this ♥

Hello ! 

Thank you so much for playing, we're glad you enjoyed the game :).