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(1 edit)

Yeah it's true. the features are not use in the good way because you can finish the game just with the JumpForce of the player. But normaly the first one you finish it when you change the position of the FireWall. The seconde level you need to click on the door (when i mean door it's not a hole but the grey sprite :p) and change his positon. And the Third level you need to finish it with the JumpForce ^^ 
I did the last 2 level in 15min it's was a short time for a lot of idea :D  
The clicked Object are not enougth specified, there is a feedback when your mouse is on but is to little.  

I think after the Jam i will polish a little the game and add few features.

Thank's for the review :)

(Sorry for the English it's not my first language)