This is really good so far! ^__^ Xou've contrived a nice diverse list of husbandos that are each very unique (Mikey is my favourite~! :P) and done so through a usually ignored race, which is great!
I also like the pace xou've set. It's s all about getting to know the goblins and not so heavily focused on some bad situation or an ultimate goal the MC is tryna achieve, which makes it feel more realistic UwU
Xour 1irst release was muuuch longer than I would have expected, which is a huge plus! n_n My only complaint would be that the MC seems a bit impersonal? :/ I like that he's more the "I'll listen to xour problems" kinda guy, but I do think he needs some fleshing out to make him more relatable :3
I overall loved the direction of xour story and am excited for more~ ^^_