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Hey there, my good old friend! I am really thankful to you for your guidance. Inkscape helped me a lot in my game dev stuffs.  I am really sorry, but I need another thing. The main thing that's in my mind right now is - "Man, he may think that I just remember him when I need something from him. And probably never actually care about him." Yeah, I hate to be that guy but, your guidance seems really amazing, to be honest and fair. I am genuinely feeling super guilty right now, but I just feel like it's kinda important. I mean - well never mind. ("He could've deleted the whole text. Why to add a 'nEVeR mInD' text at the end, like a cliffhanger?" Well, that's just me for you...) 

So, I wanted to ask - I know, your games probably don't have lot of 2D animations, but still do you have ideas on how to 2D animate? Like 3D animations seems straightforward - like you just keyframe the entire heck out of whatever you wanna animate. I saw a little insight and came to know that you do the same keyframing thing for 2D, and apparently you can do that in Blender itself, I mean yeah, I had a little idea beforehand too. Btw, I mentioned Blender, because I am using and learning that, to make the models I need, and will animate soon too. So, keyframing is okay, but like you know there is also like vfx, and stuffs. And I think those are mainly (if not all) done in 2D. You know like animations/vfx in UI and stuffs. I know you have to make every picture, and animate over, but like what is like the best or maybe a program for that?

And second of all and main thing - music. How... music? I... no... music. Omg. Like seriously, music is like a whole thing, how do I do this? Can you like suggest a nice program to make music. I have an online friend who said he'll make the music, but he's mostly busy with real life stuffs, and I don't want to like - force him. Music is something that is very close to my heart, but every time I think of making it, I just - cannot. oof. So, yeah music is of higher priority right now.

Also, I am really sorry again. I am really ashamed of myself. But... oof. Again thanks for everything.

And I hope you're not dead, or else, I am gonna cry again. I hate the fact that 'Everything ends eventually... like everything.'