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The look-and-feel of this is so fantastically retro: the sprites, the music, the layout with the different frames. The palette is great. The gameplay with the spinner and the map felt well-designed. I thought the combat felt too simple, though--I didn't see any reason not to just attack every round. But that's something you can refine when you release the larger game.

Thanks for playing and the really kind words. Agreed a balance needs to be found between boosting the magic system and just pressing x to attack, but that'll have to come at a later date. I really have to build everything else out to see where to start tweaking since HP at this moment is just a countdown clock attached to a battle system which has to be tweaked. Lots of ideas at this stage and I will keep an eye out for creating a balance.

I draw a lot of inspiration from games of the past so I'm happy you appreciate it. Its tedious to animate the subtle pauses but it really just doesn't feel natural without it.