I like this game because it follows the minimalist paradigm pretty tightly. I like the music and overall visual style. Here are some things I would change if I were to continue to work on this game.
- Tone down the bloom, I think it will make the game look better and be easier to read.
- Make the controls a little more clear? There were a few times when I would get confused and press the wrong key.
- Add "coyote time", if thats what you would even call it here. If you press the correct key within a certain amount of time to when you are supposed to press it, it will snap you into place in the center so that you aren't as close to the wall.
- Make the colors a little easier to read. having black on black on dark grey and then a bunch of bright flashing colors makes my eyes hurt and its difficult to make out where the walls are.
- Add in something that truly separates it from being just a dancing line clone or a geometry dash clone, make it a really simple mechanic but it gives it enough extra depth to truly be called its own game. maybe you can interact with certain objects in the environment, or have control / influence over something level wise.