I am happy that you enjoyed the art direction of my game.
I am not completely sure if I understood your criticism. It would be easier to understand it if I knew how far you got. I put a lot of thought in the physics and could explain every little decision but from the sound of it the issue might be that you maybe only played 30 minutes or so and didn't even get to the point where you collect the running- and jumpingupgrades. That would be an easy explanation because I purposefully designed the game in a way that you feel much more agile with every upgrade (and until the end you constantly learn new things) and I took some risks to achieve this. It might be the case that you judged this aspect too early but I can't tell, perhaps it's really just not your cup of tea and I wouldn't be angry if that was the case. The zoom of the game is on purpose as well, the first reason is that it is the same zoom as most modern Jump'N'Runs use (Mario included) and the second one is that later in the game you can run really fast and you need to see enemys early enough to react to them.
It would be helpful if you could tell me how far you got
and by strange jumping controls did you mean the fact that Bobo instantly stops when you don't press any direction instead of the slippery weightoriented physics of super mario?
I thank you for your feedback and I hope it doesn't come across as impolite that I try to discuss this.