This one doesn’t have jam comments? Well, I guess it’ll have one now.
Writing: I think it’s written pretty well (then again, English is my third language) and it was pretty interesting to read and try the different options.
Theme: It is spooky, and there’s a werewolf.
Audio: Those sound effects definitely add to the spookiness. There’s music in some places but not others. But yeah, I get that the music goes quiet in the night (been there, done that). I like the piano music that plays at the start of the story (I wonder what happened at the end though… when I listen to it through headphones I think I can hear some sound. Not that I didn’t hear a door slamming right as I played the last note of my instrumental music for my VN, which I managed to edit out by fading the note out quickly).
Art: Pretty good, but I had to turn up my screen brightness to see it well. And when I look at the window icon, it looks like two C’s with a DNA spiral between them, but I’m guessing the second one was meant to be a G? And if I’m going all in into graphic designer mode, I notice you didn’t take the wings into account when centering the parents in the image that’s shown of the parents that also appears in the gallery (and considering they’re transparent and that they’re light but the parents are dark, I guess it makes sense… but maybe I’d have moved the parents a tiny bt to the left so that there isn’t that much more stuff in one side than in the other, probably fifteen pixels or less though, so yeah, those wings don’t really “fill” the space to the left of the parents, and if I hadn’t had issues centering a not-quite symmetrical icon in a completely different context I probably wouldn’t even have thought of this).
Fun: I think when a VN can have multiple endings it’s nice if they’re numbered and I’m told up front how many there are so I know when I’ve probably seen everything. And I saw three endings and kinda have a clue what I’d have to do to get a fourth one if it exists (in fact, I suspect the logline might refer to that fourth ending, I’m kinda too nice towards the werewolf to want to try leaving the spell on though).