Writing: Pretty fun, and halloweenish without really being scary (well, maybe there is something a bit scary, but if I tried to explain it you’d think I was trying to talk to a horse or something like that… I mean, some of the sounds that cats make aren’t completely unlike those that humans make when talking to big horses… I picked the cat costume in my first playthrough, you wanted to know that, didn’t you? And as the winner I picked the character whose name I have no idea how to pronounce).
Theme: A story about a Halloween cosplaying party does fit Halloween well, don’t you think?
Audio: Well, there’s not really a lot of that, just the fun music on the main menu. (Or am I missing something by only playing the browser version?) Well, at least that music sounds fun. And if you wonder where you could have had sound effects, I think maybe an applause when you pick a winner (and a meow for the cat ending) could work. And maybe a door opening sound when you get in and a phone ringing sound at the start (or was I the one calling the character with the hard-to-spell name? I don’t remember, guess I shouldn’t be playing VNs past midnight).
Candy: Quirky, cute, quite cool and cartoonish. I mean the eye candy (art) is quirky and cute. But I see you do mention some candy in the story.
Fun: Definitely. And I only got six endings so far, but it’s half past midnight, so I figured I should go ahead and write something now instead of trying to see everything. I loved the cat ending by the way.
And yeah, I played it because I noticed it didn’t have any jam comments. And I don’t regret it. It was fun.