One of the first locations we wrote for the original Hinterlands was "The Truck Stop". I wrote it mainly to get a feel for how P's first person narration should go, but halfway through I had an idea of injecting a funny thing I saw a few times when I visited the real life hinterlands and it became a really special event in my mind.
However, in the end we decided not to put it in because we didn't want to bloat the map any further. In the expansion you'll see that this concern was still hanging over us, because most of the new events we added actually happen by visiting already-established location under specific circumstances, and those that don't only become available in the map after the player visits some places.
We could have tried implementing as some kind of event that would trigger on the way to another place but we decided against that too. It didn't add enough to justify it.
Knowing that it will never get implemented, I suppose there's no harm in posting it here.
Once you finish MinoH, do you guys have plans for something else in the world of the game?
I actually have a few side projects I haven't announced yet. It's safe to say I'll be staying, but I highly doubt I'll do a project as big as Minotaur Hotel again. This size worked for the story we had in mind but it's way too intensive to keep going forever. Some of them will be NSFW, others will be SFW, but you can expect that they won't be very usual and typical as far as VNs go.
nanoff has some ideas for a few projects of his own, too, but I'll leave it up to him how much he wants to share.