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ok so 1 thing that i've noticed and is really annoying since i started playing this game (86 hours and counting) when i enter stairs to go up or down a floor the stairs on the other floor are immediately in front of you and if you don't release the movement key fast enough it sends you back.

i'd appreciate it if there was a small delay after you enter stairs or doors (like maybe 1 second delay or something) so i can like not get stuck in a loop of trying to get to the next floor and then being sent back to the original door because i wasn't fast enough at releasing the movement key XD


I'll see about it!

i  had an idea while i was grinding away my skills, maybe idk... could add a sound effect.
for doors you could add in the sound of the door closing behind you and for stairs could add the sound of food steps for the delay.
it would improve atmosphere and also usability of the transportation mediums.

just an idea of course XD, i'm not at all familiar with your specific code so i'm not sure what can or cannot be accomplished.


Not a bad idea for more atmosphere! Probably too late to add that now though haha