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Great concept! Though i did find the AI to be very poor and unrelable. The controls also felt a bit klunky, and a feature to bring more soldiers into battle would be nice along with being able to create defences for your bunker.

Hi Pugly ! 

Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated! 

A lot of work is in progress, but good news!

Today we are going to launch a patch:  We have reworked part of the AI in order to be more responsive, we think that it feels better (It will need more features, and more intelligence, but we like the improvement). 

The controls, will be improved in a near future (But in order to do that, we need to rework all the character controller). Also the ability to modify the world map with improvements such as bunker defenses will be surely added :) (Adjusting the mouse sensitivity helps a lot)

At last, I'm not sure if you manage to discover it. (The tutorial is a bit tough), when you level up you can control more soldiers (Up to ~30) and build more defenses (Max barricades ~9). 

Lastly we have a Discord community where we share feedback and suggestions, and we happily invite you to join us :)