Thanks for playing, I'm happy you liked the art and the little effects!!! (... Even if they took forever to implement haha x.x)
I'm also seriously glad you point out what can be better, you probably already know this, but please keep doing that because it helps!!! Thank you :D
But I've been meaning to explain somewhere why I deliver messages heavily (you don't have to respond, eheh). I've considered making my games have less obvious messages in the past where the player analyzes the message so it's not as "in-your-face" or "I am your mother". It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I have a reason for doing so.
There was a large point in my life where I never analyzed stories and I purely consumed without learning anything, thinking it was all just entertainment. I still have friends who do this and it annoys me.
Does this make us bad consumers? Maybe, but we're still part of society and that concerns me.
Those who aren't aware of the message are likely not going to be able to infer the message of the story if they've never experienced it. For this game, discrimination and bias are indeed obvious, but time, judgment, and the truth of bias are some others that might not be so. (Or maybe they are obvious already, but that'd still be a maybe.)
Another important message was how to say sorry. It's done implicitly, so I don't know how many people caught all the specific points... Listening, maintaining space, etc. (It's something else dear to me I'd like to expand on in a different game.)
Not all stories that allow interpretation of the messages are bad though! Some do it better than others, giving the perfect amount of room for the viewer/reader. Honestly, I do love those stories when they give an "ohhh" moment for me. (It makes me feel smart XD) But not everyone fits into that room, so I'd rather safely land the message into people's heads whether they listen to it or not, including my own brain :D